Don't forget to register for the Spring Lecture with Dr. Clare Watkins on the 7th February 2022.
Communion, Participation, Mission:
Interchurch Families’ gifts of discernment and ‘Synodality’ for the wider Church
We are pleased to announce that our Spring Lecture will be focusing on the link between interchurch families and the most important issue facing the Catholic church today, one which also has clear implications for all other Christian churches and denominations - that of Synodality. Theologian Dr Clare Watkins will focus on the centrality of discernment in the process of Synodality and also in the decisions that face interchurch families. Using the process of discernment inherent in the question of Eucharistic Sharing as one of her examples (as discussed in One Bread One Body and the German Bishops’ Guidelines) she will examine the particular way in which the synodal process highlights the necessity of wide inclusion for authentic discernment – and here she will develop a theme that Interchurch Families have a real wealth of experience that is a gift to the wider church.
Register through our events page here.
3rd Floor,
20 King Street,
Telephone: +44 (0)20 3384 2947
Email: info@interchurchfamilies.org.uk
Registered Charity No. 283811