One of the main aims of the Association of Interchurch Families is to provide opportunities for interchurch families to meet, both physically and on-line, for mutual support. Such events allow us to learn from each other’s experiences and to pray and worship together. We also learn by hearing from a wide range of guest speakers whose responsibilities have encompassed church leadership, ecumenical roles within the churches and other bodies, and the theological study of issues related to interchurch families.
Getting together to share experiences and to learn together is at the heart of the pastoral support offered by the Association. Since the organisation began in 1968, one of the most important means of offering pastoral support and shared experiences has been a weekend gathering for members.
This event is currently held every October at the Hayes Conference Centre in Derbyshire and is now a hybrid event allowing members and international friends to join in some sessions via Zoom.
Each gathering has a specific theme of interest to interchurch families and the theme in
2024 was: “Synodality – a gift for ecumenical relations?”
As well as hearing from guest speakers the weekend allows time for discussion and fellowship, as well as services of worship which are held in at least two traditions.
The Theme for 2025 is: What can Interchurch Families learn from the first Ecumenical Synod at Nicea, 1700 years ago?
Interest about the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicea in 2025, and its foundational outcome, the Nicene Creed, is growing across the churches. Our Weekend will capitalise on this interest by reflecting on the significance for interchurch families of the events that helped shape the early church. Fr Dominic Robinson SJ will be joining us, along with The Reverend Canon Professor Mark Chapman, professor of the history of modern theology at Oxford University .
In Person places are now fully booked, but email to be added to a waiting list, or to enquire about Day Places (without accomodation)
Since the start of the pandemic the Association started offering a range of online services to celebrate occasions such as the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and the global prayer movement, “Thy Kingdom Come”.
We also arrange occasional on-line lectures – such as the “Spring Lecture” and other events that are scheduled in response to specific ecumenical events or developments.
We also have “Hybrid events” which are held physically but are also made available online for those who are unable to attend in person.
In common with many charities, the Association’s Annual General Meeting is now held in this hybrid mode with online running alongside our members only in person event allowing far greater participation.
Prior to Covid, Key amongst our occasional lectures was a series of In Person events held in memory of Fr John Coventry, a Jesuit priest who was one of the co-founders of the Association.
These lectures were given by respected speakers and their themes selected to be of clear significance to interchurch families.
Previous speakers have included: • Baron Rowan Williams of Ostermouth – Former Archbishop of Canterbury. •
Rev David Coffey – Former Moderator of the Free Churches. •
Dame Mary Tanner OBE - Anglican theologian and former President of the World Council of Churches. •
The late Monsignor Mark Langham - formerly a member of Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity
3rd Floor,
20 King Street,
Telephone: +44 (0)20 3384 2947
Email: info@interchurchfamilies.org.uk
Registered Charity No. 283811