The question of whether non-Catholic spouses may receive Communion with their partner has been a major concern for many interchurch couples - as well as for the bishops of several countries. This section of the library includes both articles describing the experience of interchurch couples as well as documents written by conferences of bishops seeking to address those pastoral concerns. 

    • Who can receive communion with us? – a leaflet published by the National Board of Catholic Women 2021

      This leaflet from the National Board of Catholic Women seeks to answer the question When may Christians from other Churches take Holy Communion in a Catholic Church?

      The leaflet clarifies what is meant by sharing Communion, outlining when Communion is able to be shared and provides advice about how to ask to receive Communion within the current guidance and provides specific information for those in interchurch families.

      The National Board of Catholic Women have written this leaflet in consultation with the Association of Interchurch Families, the Department for Faith and Unity at the Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales and the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity in Rome.  Its guidance is based on the teaching of One Bread One Body, the Bishops Conference teaching document on the Eucharist in the life of the Church.


    • Walking with Christ – Tracing Unity: Interdenominational marriages and sharing the Eucharist – Guidelines published by the German Bishops’ Conference

      This document contains the full English translation of the German Bishops Guidance issued in February 2018.


    • German bishops’ guidelines - Summary by Ruth Reardon

      A summary of the full text Walking with Christ – Tracing Unity: Interdenominational marriages and sharing in the Eucharist which was published by the German Bishops in February 2018. The full text is also available in the library.


    • One Bread One Body – a teaching document on the Eucharist in the life of the Church, and the establishment of general norms on sacramental sharing

      One Bread, one body resource


    “The church of the perfect and pure is a room where there isn't a place for anyone; the church with open doors that celebrates around Christ is, on the other hand, a large hall where everyone — the righteous and sinners — can enter. The Eucharist is meant to nourish those who are tired and hungry along the journey, let's not forget this!" Pope Francis in his homily on the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) 6 June 2021

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